“If you think something, say something”

I wasn't sure what to put here, so I pasted my 2011 artist manifesto. Maybe, at some point, I'll think of something more appropriate.

notes towards a queer art.

So that we might stumble towards beauty together.

The art will speak for its self, and I must speak for mine:

Nothing is solid, nothing is set, and nothing will stay where you left it. The clouds shift. Magnetic north shifts. Your friends shift. The sun moves from the three hand to the four, and squirrels are collecting nuts. So where does that leave us?

Right here, together, and each of us entirely alone. Each a unique mix of entirely un-unique ingredients. Blood and bones. Particles bouncing off particles become abstract thought. And somewhere in there we make love, go insane, vomit on our friends, write music, start a business, jump in front of cars, drop bombs, build rockets and sleep on our sides.

We string together our best recollections and call them a matter of time. First this, then that. But in the end every story is incomplete, full of holes and misdirections. We forget to consider the importance of his socks and the sweat beading on her neck. And that, to me, is beautiful.

Because life can never be said or solved. Here we are, stumbling through this wreckage and rubble, finding beauty in the world and in each other along the way. We fall between meanings and explore outside them. And art gives us a venue to consider what remains; what manifestos can never say.

So that is what I like. Narrative that is full of holes and questions. Bits borrowed from here and there. A relationship with the culture and art around it. Accidents triggering unexpected associations. Diverse people breathing and sweating and fighting and playing in the rubble together. Violence and passion and insanity and finally hope. Grasping at stability and form and meaning, but always coming up short. So that we might stumble towards meaning together. Towards joy and beauty, in all our queer glory.

This is Real, I’m Sorry